About Us

WillaRx's Medication Call Reminder is a service that helps people manage their medication regimen with ease and convenience. It was inspired by the founder's personal experience as a son and a long-distance caregiver for his mother, Willa, who sometimes forgot to take her medication. He used his expertise in IVR technology to create a daily reminder call for her.  She didn't know it was an automated call, but she liked the voice of the "nice lady" who reminded her.  This motivated him to offer the option of recording personalized reminder messages for the users.

The founder also had professional experience as a Field Care Manager for a Medicare Advantage program, where he visited members at their homes and evaluated their psycho/social and medical needs. He noticed that many of them had similar challenges with remembering their medication, which could affect their health outcomes. He realized that there was a need for a reliable and affordable reminder service that could benefit many people. That's how Medication Call Reminder was born.

Medication Call Reminder works by sending automated and customized phone calls or text messages to the users at the time they prefer. The call will ask them to confirm if they have taken their medication or not. If they say yes, the call will end with a positive message. If they say no, the service will give them time to take their medication and call back for confirmation. The service also monitors the users' adherence by sending text notifications to a family caregiver or healthcare provider.